Transition Streets
We are really excited to be collaborating with Transition Town Totnes to pilot the award-winning Transition Streets project here in Kingsbridge.
Transition Streets helps us connect with our neighbours, support each other to reduce our living costs and cut our carbon footprint by taking practical action together.
Groups of 6-8 households meet to talk through topics including energy, food, travel and water. Lots of resources and support are available to help streets create their own projects together. The original project involved around 500 households and each made an average annual saving of £570 on household bills as well making big reductions to their carbon footprints.
If you are interested and like the idea of bringing your street or neighbourhood together to cut your carbon footprint, have a read through the leaflet below then contact to find out more about how it all works.
You can find some examples of the brilliant projects some participating streets have come up with elsewhere, and the impact this has had on local communities, on the Transition Streets website